Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday Randoms

Good grief. Wednesday already!
  • So guess what? The demons, also known as the Condo Association, apparently have voted to make cable a mandatory "amenity" of living here. Hmmm... an amenity that I didn't want or agree to that will now cost me an extra $420/year! UGH! (On a side note, I will admit to watching True stories of the ER, Hillbilly Handfishin, Couples Therapy, South Park, and some 48 Hours Mystery since it was installed at 5pm today. Don't judge. I also spent an hour at LA Fit at Bodyworks class.)
  • Sick. Of. Trayvon. Enough already. This better stop or else Sublime with Rome better brush up their skills for a follow up to "April 29, 1992 (Miami)", cause that's what they'll do next.
  • There is a really good product called Flatouts. It's a thin, wheat, oblong sort of tortilla flatbread thing. It's light, good for you and pretty versatile. There's a free plug, Flatout. #yourwelcome
  • Moving to a new office location next week at work. Same job, just moving to the central hub, in the midst of the fray. I know exactly how that's going to go.
  • Can't wait to set up my garden box this weekend. Then I'll be growing all sorts of delicious herbs.
  • The chocolate chip cookies from Whole Foods are sooooo good.
  • I like that reporters on the news all have their Twitter handles on display. It came in handy last week when I told the guy on NBC10 to ditch the winter clothes and bust out the spring colors on a 80* degree. He replied, and took my advice.
  • I love seeing all the Easter stuff at stores. Target has an especially nice display this year.
  • Hmmm... that new no-texting law in PA is doing... not much. I still see people everyday on 76 and 476 texting away.
  • Sur la Table has some really amazing things in their spring catalogue. Check out their website. I really want to take one of their cooking classes this spring/summer

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday Randoms

Another WR means we're on the downhill to the weekend! Hooray!
  • If this mild winter is really to blame for the suffering I'm now enduring, I'd gladly hit rewind on the magical universe clock and battled a horrible winter. Allergies right now are k-i-l-l-i-n-g me. Seriously, it's not fun anymore. I had none of these problems last fall and once the ball dropped on Jan 1, it seemed everything just starting getting worse. It's interrupting my training for the 10mi run in May and I'm not very happy about it :(
  • On to a happier subject- food! Yes. I love my food. I believe I mentioned Cake Pops in an earlier post, and now I'm jonesing to scoot on down to my local Bed Bath&Beyond to get me a cake pop pan and all the goodies that go along with it. I don't want to make them for myself; I'm really looking forward to bringing them to some picnic or party with perfectly themed decorated little cake lollipops. Delish!
  • Hot hot topic out of Florida with the shooting of the (black) teenager by a (Hispanic) neighborhood watch volunteer. Yikes. I'd be very worried about this 'Stand Your Ground' law. Someone just threw a drum of gasoline on the race war fire.
  • This week marks my 3 year anniversary of #tweeting. I only know this because my 'joined on' date is listed on my profile- I didn't secretly commit my Twitter sign up to memory... although I enjoy it that much it wouldn't be a bad thing to remember... but still weird... okay, next bullet.
  • Job2 is picking up a little. I'm still keeping it manageable, but it's nice having the extra $$ roll in. Got me eye on a new spring/summer bag. Longchamp, perhaps? We'll have to see. I've never been a huge Coach fan, but they do have some cute things in the new lineup
  • With some quick calculations I figured I've saved about $7,680 since I bought my place by never getting cable. Ching! #gome
  • Because of the above statement, I'm now watching American Idol while blogging... Saving money, lacking choices. Oh well. JLo is really annoying. More annoying than Ryan Seacrest.
  • is addicting! I challenge anyone to spend less than 10min surfing the site
  • I'm really craving that lobster sandwich I had at the Mermaid Inn in NYC on my birthday weekend with PG. It was so delicious. Food reference again. Not surprising. I hope I dream of a lobster dinner tonight.
  • Got a palette of Smashbox shadows for my birthday and I love them! It's the one for hazel eyes and although it's all shimmer and no matte, the color is true and lasts the entire day (with a base application of Too Faced Shadow Insurance, of course).

    That's all for now... until next time!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday Randoms

Hello Wednesday

  • 3 straight days of 70deg weather and outdoor workouts for me! Global warming, what-ever. This type of thing in March absolutely delights me!
  • I've confirmed by a trip to the allergist I have very a severe allergy to cats, dogs (I knew both of those, sadly) and several types of mold. Hmmm. Considering there are thousands of mold spores in the air everywhere, I'm pretty much screwed this spring. Let's hope some Flonase does the trick.
  • The champagne mango I bought at Whole Foods last week was amazzzzzzing! Thank you Mexico for producing such fantastic fruit.
  • After seeing some recipes online today, I'm even more excited about cake pops! I saw the cake mold at Bed Bath & Beyond this weekend and they look soo good, in addition to having a million ways to decorate them! I'm secretly hoping there's some kind of party or girly occasion where I can volunteer to make a couple dozen of these.
    Check out the cake pops
  • In my opinion, if you have really nice, naturally curly hair, and you're a guy... let it grow! I know a certain someone who has such amazing hair. Love it
  • I have a pair of cherry red pants, and I really want a pair or green or yellow ones. Yellow might be tough to pull off (black shirt=bumblebee), but I might give it a try
  • All this hype over The Hunger Games movie... I don't get it. I was all into Twilight, but I couldn't get into this book last summer after I started reading it. Maybe I'm just not a fan of the idea of kids competing to the death in some stupid game.
  • Did you know if you don't have cable you get about 5 Jesus channels/Christian music stations all the time? There are also some crafty and cooking shows that are pretty cool. Oh, and reruns of All in the Family.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday Randoms

I'm back!Looks like this will really need to be a fantastic WR post to compensate for the past 2 or 3 lackluster entries. I was feeling turrrrible last week. From my own expert diagnosis, I figure I had a cold that began sometime in late January, and slowly and quietly morphed into the most WICKED (not Wicked as in the fabulous Broadway show I saw in NYC. I'm talking the nasty, horrible, dreadful meaning of wicked) sinus infection I've had in years. Thankfully some antibiotics have kicked that out of the way and I'm almost back to my energetic self.

Time to get started
  • I'm trusting doctors less and less. The few times I go in because of a sinus infection or something else not super urgent, they look at me like I'm nuts and with that look of "'re fine". This time my temperature wasn't even taken! Yeah, I look fine, but that doesn't mean I'm fine. Can't stand them!!
  • Ever get the feeling you have to double check everyone's work? Like, you think you should be able to trust the person at the doctor to send your e-script to the correct CVS pharmacy even when you tell them the exact address.
  • S.O.S. - Sick of Snooki!!
  • If you haven't watched the show Shark Tank on ABC, it's really quite good, and you should tune in! It's not on at the best time (Friday 8pm), but if you're home sick and don't have cable, the options are slim.
  • I was really missing Oprah those few days on the couch. I was relieved to see there is still a special place on daytime TV for Jerry Springer. Jerry's final thought is still such a source of inspiring, thought-provoking wisdom. #sarcasm
  • Used my sick time to read Tina Fey's book Bossypants, a birthday gift from a friend (Thanks C). Quite funny, raw, honest, and telling way more than anything I'd ever share in a book. It spent a few weeks on the bestseller list, so go Tina.
  • Have I ranted about smoking lately? No. I haven't. I've been too sick to rant, remember? My little sinus issue caused my hearing and sense of smell to be uber sensitive, so the stanky, stale smell I typically loathe was even more present when I got a whiff while sick. Raise the price! Ostracize anyone who partakes in this filth! I'm sick of it!!
  • I love it when celebs/cool people reply back on Twitter! Example is the lovely British makeup artist and creative genius Lauren Luke- she follows my blog after I tweeted her my blog site. Her looks are amazing and I wish I had a job which required me to try those looks on myself every day. Some day... some day I will work a holiday season at Sephora or Ulta, just so I can play at work every day!!
  • I find myself in a mental battle sometimes between what's good for me now, and what's good for me in 25yrs. I'm always one to lean towards the practical, conservative side. I know what I have going now will set me up nice in 25 years. What if I want to do something crazy for 6 months or a year some time between now and then? Ugh... I have better things to worry about
  • If you've never seen the movie Death to Smoochy with Robin Williams and Ed Norton, you should. Nice, dry humor.
  • There is a suuuper annoying girl on a Friendly's commercial that plays on NBC10 all.the.time. She has a squeaky voice and this slight overbite that can be endearing to some people, and straight up #%@ annoying to the rest of the entire viewing audience.
  • Peyton Manning was really graceful and professional and all that other good stuff as he "resigned" from the Colts. I wonder if the crazy Colts fan we ran into in Vegas (who was mentioned in a prior blog post) is in a state of mourning now? Peyton was his boy!
  • I'm sick of Christie Brinkley and her mudslinging with now ex-husband Peter Cook. Shut up already! Not sure if she's had work done, but she looks pretty fabulous for her age.
  • All I know is I can't wait for flowers, sunshine, picnic food, runs outside, cruises in the car, and everything else that is spring/summer. Yessss!