Sunday, October 23, 2011


Well, the good news is my OctoRun 13K was a success this morning. A success in 40deg weather no less. It was sunny and brisk with little wind, so a perfect fall morning really. Keeping with my promise of posting my results- the official online results aren't up yet, but I'm pretty sure the clock said 1:17:00 when I finished. Definitely off pace from my Broad St time back in May, but I put a lot more into preparing for that one. So I'm satisfied with this effort. I guess I'm more satisfied with the fact I can slack off for 6wks and still jump out of bed on a cold Sunday morning and run 8 miles in a fairly decent time. I'm not looking to set any course records here.

These runs still have the same super tiring effect for hours afterwards. I suppose that's normal considering I'm not a professional athlete. It seems anytime I do more than 6, it just sucks the energy out of me for the rest of the day... and this leads me to the conclusion that a full marathon will never be in my future! yay

I mentioned that I was done with races until next Spring, BUT... that intoxicating runner's high got the best of me, and with a little browsing I saw there's a Turkey Trot and Reindeer Romp (same one I ran last year) coming up. Knowing this, how could I possibly turn down completing the holiday race trio? Thankfully those two are 5Ks, which seems easy breezy after this morning.

With the cold weather upon us, it's time for me to head back to good ol LA Fitness and start the strength training again, which I've abandoned for strictly cardio since last Spring. Too bad there's not a Crossfit gym near me. That would be a rude awakening for sure!
How cute is this? It was a fun race. Love Halloween!

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