Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday Randoms

Hello, Wednesday... from the blog-that-used-to-be-multidimensional-but-is-now-so-one-sided.

  • I love Broadway. And musicals. And everything singing, dancing, costumes and makeup! I've seen over 20 shows and while I've only seen a couple on Broadway, the Philly theatres put on a pretty good show.
  • After a very mediocre disappointing meal at the Olive Garden back in January, I doubt I'll be able to convince the BF to go back, even though the OG hooked me up with a gift card in the amount of the entire bill after I emailed them expressing some very objective feedback on my experience.
  • Happy National Running Day! Guess what I did on this very special day? Signed up for my 1st and probably last half marathon! This was on my 2012 bucket list, and I knew I had to hit the button now. I know I can do the mileage, but the heat at the end of August has me a little worried. I'm just praying it's not 90deg and humid at 8am. I should be able to squeeze all my training into 10wks. As always, I'll report the results!
  • One of my favorite things in the summer is the chocolate chip ice cream cookie sandwich, with the mini choc chips all stuck on the side. #loveit I've tried making my own before, but the product of the ice cream truck is just so much better. That's going to help the race training... for suuuuuure.
  • Lots of stuff coming up: dog sitting, liquor promotions, vacation, meet ups with friends, wedding, baby showers. Sometimes I have to focus on the next 24hrs only so things don't seem too jumbled or overwhelming. I think how I'm just one person, with a small house, and nothing else super major on my plate. I can't imagine how these people with all these kids and jobs and a house and a million activities manage it. I have no interest in letting my life get to the point where I'm putting out the fires of chaos on a daily basis.
  • My poor Kindle hasn't gotten much love the past 8 months or so. Although I read a really great book on Ireland and Irish Americans recently. I have no interest in the pop culture trashy novels everyone on Facebook posts how they read by the pool. I want to invest a few hours and come away learning something. (Go ahead world, judge away!)
  • 2 years later, still playing Words With Friends, and have about 5 games going at once. I started a game with a random opponent 2 summers ago, we rematched, chatted here and there, and we've had continuous games going since for the past 2 years. That's the world we live in today. I have more interaction with a 21yr old from FL than I do with my cousins who live an hour away. Oh well. It's all good.
  • I want to make a fresh fruit pie this summer... just need to decide what kind. Whatever I decided, you can be sure I'll take a pic :) Suggestions welcome. Don't be shy people, leave a comment!

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