Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday Randoms

A power nap and glass of lemonade-iced tea and I'm ready to random! Way better than last week when I nearly forgot about it.

  • I admit it. I'm a bit of a planning n*zi. I have a plan, a timeline, a list of things to do, places to go, and if my plan is followed, it's nearly a guarantee a good time will be had by all, and we'll have spent our time and money in the most efficient way. I've grown a bit lax in my punctuality as the years have gone by, but my mom is the most punctual person I've ever known, and my only excuse is that this kind of behavior is hard wired in my DNA. If you weren't someplace 10min before the designated time- you were late. Perhaps that plays into my obsessive nature that sometimes rears its ugly head when a vacation or busy week/weekend comes up. I even play out the logistics in my head beforehand if I have to run errands and need to hit 5 different places. I know the rest of the world isn't like me. Maybe I need to ease up a bit (but I will only allot 3 minutes for that!)
  • Ever notice some people have reallllly dirty front wheels, while the rest of the body of their car is sparkling clean? Do they use some kind of 'halfway-up only' car wash? Never understood that.
  • Finally confirmed through a shared elevator ride yesterday my neighbors indeed have a puppy. I'm not an expert, but from years of watching the Westminster Dog Show, I'm pretty sure it looked like a baby Brussels Griffon, all black. It was cute. The yelping has been on and off lately, so hopefully they're exercising some good training techniques and watching plenty of Cesar Milan.
  • Fresh watermelon is so enjoyable. I shudder at the thought of purchasing a whole one, lugging it to the car, lugging it up 8 floors, and then having to shove it in the fridge until I cut it up and neatly portion it in Tupperware containers so it doesn't risk sliding out and landing on my foot every time I open the door. I've said this over and over, and so have many others; the food that's best for us is always the most costly, and time consuming to prepare. I can absolutely see why I sometimes so many people opt for the $0.99 Junior Bacon Cheeseburger at Wendy's, instead of preparing some big salad with lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, chicken, etc. Add up the time and $$ and that Wendy's burger sure makes life a lot easier.
  • For all the ladies out there reading this, I've got a store you must check out- Jewelbilee! If you're like me and are endlessly searching for some unique, colorful, statement-type bracelets, earrings, or necklaces- this is the place. If you're a guy reading this- take your girl there next time you're near the Metroplex in 19462. (Major bonus point opp here! #youcanthankmelater)
  • 3 day weekend in 2 more days! Liquor store promo tomorrow night, where I'll be sampling up some tasty Nuvo. If you've never tried it, it's worth a purchase. Just don't be put off too much by the pink/yellow perfume-looking glass bottle. Jamie Foxx raps about it in 'Blame it on the A-a-a-a-alcohol' #hiphopapproved
  • 2 summers ago I was scoping out for something fun, new and interesting to try. The pick up volley ball games on Tuesday nights by my house looked interesting, but I figured since my vertical jump isn't that great, and the last time I played volleyball was prob in gym class in HS, that might not be the best choice.
    Then there's the 'Hip single parents meetup', and the 'Stich N Bitch' woman's group. Nope and nope again. One of these days I'll find a normal group with a fun activity and try it out. I still browse it every now and again. Maybe I should start my own group: 'Fun loving people who randomly blog, enjoy cheese fries, tweet frequently, and have a passion for travel'. Sounds like the only person I'll be 'meeting up' with is... myself. (wah waaah)
  • My vegetable seedlings are doing so well! Below are the most recent pics. I hope to have a bounty of vegetables in a couple months! Don't worry, I will blog the results.
  • 5/23/12

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