Friday, February 18, 2011

Let's try this again!

Okay, so I won't begin my first post in almost 2 years pretending to be shocked by my absentee blogger status.  I've fallen on and off this wagon more times than I can count, and I laugh every time I see the HUGE gap between posts! Let's just say I was inspired to give this blogging thing another shot.  I'll admit, I have been getting a little ridiculous on Twitter lately...( you be the judge)... time to prove I can give more than 140 characters (yes, I utilize Twitlonger for those 140+ gems) worth of wit, wisdom, and straight up random nonsense.

And it staaaaarts..... NOW

Verizon has so graciously informed me I'm due for a phone upgrade in April. Thank you Jesus, as my Blackberry has been pulling a phantom turn-on/turn-off around 3-4pm everyday for the past month or so. It's really fun when it does it mid-call! I blame Ubertwitter for all of this. And Mark Zuckerberg. Because he's a billionaire and I'm not, and it's fun blaming him for things completely irrelevant to Facebook. (That makes absolutely no sense, but it's my blog, so hmmm!)

And nooo, I'm not getting an iPhone either.
The entire reason I went with a Blackberry from the start was the advanced email/organizational capability (for the million emails my 2nd job creates), and the BBM (Blackberry Messenger) feature. The BBM doesn't matter too much to me anymore, but having those emails accessible and in hand has saved my butt many a times these past few years!

"Oh, you didn't order the Snapdragon Cab we're supposed to sample tonight? You say we never confirmed it with the PLCB? Wait... oh... look!  Here's the email...addressed to.... YOU, complete with date/time stamp confirming ALL OF THIS!"

So the phone decision is TBD... if you don't stay tuned to this blog for any other reason... haha

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