Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday Randoms

Last WRs of 2011!

I'd have to verify it for sure, but I believe the birth of your favorite weekly blog post was sometime last April or May.  I tried my best not to miss one since then and I don't think I did (is anyone really going to check me on this?)
  • I don't think I've ever witnessed anyone complain at Wawa. It must be the land of happiness, or the most perfect retail concept ever designed. I've been to one location or another thousands of times, and not once have I ever heard anyone complain. You know why? It's probably because their logo is a Canada goose. This is coming from a huge bird lover, mind you. But really, Wawa is amazing. Their hoagies can't touch Lee's or Primo, but that chocolate milk is soooo good.
  • Christmas... was great! Got a few new toys, some that are fun, some that are functional, some that sparkle and have such important meaning. I loved them all. I was just as pleased, if not more, at the gifts I gave. I put a good amount of thought into picking the right things, and it's pretty rewarding to see someone appreciate your thought and effort. So sad it's over though... and again we begin the countdown until next year so I can my yearly fix of 'It's a Wonderful Life'.
  • I DLed this app called 'My Horse', where you have a virtual horse you care for and feed and enter in competitions and muck the stall. It's absolutely ridiculous, but I've been playing it for a few minutes and when it's grazing out in the pasture, there are birds in the background, meanwhile my birds are going crazzzy listening ot them. (Should I mention there's clean dishes that need putting away and here I am uploading a pic of a virtual horse to my random blog)
Here's my horse! Quite an affordable alternative to regular equestrian activities (but not even close to the same. Do you think I'm nuts yet?)
  • A well deserved break from Job2 for a little. Ended 2011 with an easy Bailey's promo at an Irish bar in Philly. January tends to be slow, the weather is unpredictable, and midway through the fiscal year means budgets are still getting sorted out. Then Guinness hits hard in February and rolls right into March... and the cycle begins again...
  • Olive Garden needs to get served for their joke of a performance the other night. We went there based solely on convenience of location and long story short, they dropped the ball on the food, took forever, and the server tried to buy our happiness at the end by giving us a cup full of those Andes mints they stick in the leather thing that holds the bill. (It worked, we didn't take it out on his tip) I was writing my masterpiece, expressing my displeasure via OGs website when my PC suddenly had to perform a random 'restart' and I lost the entire thing! ugh! Maybe after this entry I'll give it another shot.
  • I laid on an $11,000 mattress set this week and it was incredible! Makes my junko bed feel like a rock covered with spikes.
  • I'm praying the gym isn't going to be packed with workout wannabes after January 1. Hurry up and get over with winter, I need to run outside again!
WRs will see you next year... 2012 might be the year we go big time! (Probably not)

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