Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's time for... Wednesday Randoms!

I might just make this Wednesday Randoms a regular thing. Judging by the overwhelming positive feedback (imaginary voices in my head), it's been quite the hit. Let's get started

  • I'm fortunate to have a really great work environment. My own office, ample parking, peace and quiet, and a bathroom that maybe 3 other people use.  Every so often someone brings in a fruity smelling  liquid hand soap because the white foam stuff in the wall dispenser is just so boring. That being said, when this soap gets near the bottom, instead of throwing it out, someone adds water to it (?!?!)  Who does this? (Not me, so if you're quick at math, that leaves the other 3 people who use the bathroom). Throw it away people! Dang.
  • Got some more tennis time in last night and I lovelovelove it! I wish I could work 11-7 so I could spend 2hrs each morning practicing. If I could go back in time, I wish I would have dedicated more time to a sport and see how far I could have gone.
  • The strawberries I bought this week were bangin. Peak season is coming up!
  • The past 3 mornings worth of news have been nothing but children and young adults being kidnapped, raped, murdered, etc. Literally. There are 5 active stories now of people from this area and it's sick.
  • My birds must be making friends while I'm at work. There have been some sparrows hanging near my porch in the morning before I leave for work. Chirping away, I know they're all talking about something!
  • I'm about to declare war on the stink bugs who keep sneaking in my place and buzzing around my room at night! I can't go to sleep knowing one could land on my head or in my bed, so I'm on a freakin hunt every single night until I find them and get them out.
  • Read a pretty good book about shrimp and the history of the shrimping industry this week. <3 my Kindle!
  • Sprung for the deluxe wash yesterday. Rain-X, wax, foam wheel shine... Nothing prettier than a sparkling clean black car.
  • I would have the biggest Dr Evil 'mwwaaahhaha' laugh if I were the one sifting through Osama bin Laden's hard drive. Not sure how much they'll get from it, but it's gotta be fun for those tech forensic teams to crack it open. 
  • I get pretty awesome afternoon sun in my place this time of year. This ethereal glow captures the entire room and it's magnified even more by the warm tone of my paint (White Pine). My favorite color, which my kitchen and hallway are painted, is called Willow Wind. Both are from Lowe's and the pale green of this green shade is just perfect.
  • Ooh those birds I wrote about earlier just fly up to the door! Couldn't grab the camera fast enough, but they chirped enough to get my birds all amped up.
  • I am so so thankful I grew out of the horrible allergies I had when I was younger. The only remaining one is the cat allergy. Kitties are cute, but not when they cause unbearable hives and swollen eyes that look like someone hit me in the face.
  • Had a little sandwich after work. Let's say pancakes took the place of bread and Nutella was the filling. An 11 on the 1-10 delish meter.
  • SVU is on tonight. Yes!



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