Sunday, May 1, 2011

Run=Done Yay!

I'm happy to report the Broad Street run is over. Now I can stop training ease up on the long runs, relax, and eat an entire Franzones pizza tonight!

Final time was 01:31:11. Definitely better than I expected. I think I'm better at the longer distances than the 5Ks. Not sure why that is, but I might step it up to 10Ks in the future.

I went to bed early last night- well, I was laying in bed at 9:30, but didn't actually get to sleep until 11pm or so. Typical. No thanks to the yappy little dog barking it's &#%$ head off for an hour straight either. The one night I try to get to bed early and this dog (who I've never heard before) decides to pull this. Now I don't blame the dog, I blame the owners for not training it properly. I wanted to pull the old 'head-out-the-window-screaming-STFU!' like we used to do at the apts senior year at SJU. The U-shape of that building created some fantastic echo effects at 3am.

But anyway, a nice 4:30am alarm woke me and I felt blah. I need my shower and full morning routine to properly wake up, so that helped. I had to get to Jess' house by 6am, which I did, and we got the subway and made it there with plenty of time to spare. Special thanks to Nike and Under Armour. I looked kinda like a ninja in all black, but that dri fit stuff by Nike is something else. It absorbs all the sweat, and I like running in really form fitting clothes when I run. So my outfit choice was perfect.

Jess gave me some Gu for the run. For those not in the know, Gu is an energy gel that you're supposed to use near the end of the race when your glycogen levels are low. It has carbs and caffeine and comes in this foil pouch. This one was vanilla flavored and basically tasted like vanilla pudding, which is delish, but not when I'm running, sweating and trying to focus on my breathing. Swallowing a thing of pudding is... kinda weird. Who knows, maybe it gave me the extra mental push I needed to finish out strong.

One thing that was extra annoying are the girls/women who would stop at mile 3/4ish, and instead of moving to the side, they'd start texting friends in the middle of the street! I accidentally gave a few elbows trying to avoid running straight into these people, but really, how stupid can you be? For the amount of people in the race, I didn't feel claustrophobic at all. Everyone spread out right away, and with the exception of the turn around city hall, I don't feel like I lost too much time getting jammed up behind other people. No cramps or pains of any sort. My feet were feeling a little numb by mile 9, and my legs were sorta jell-o like, but I was so close to the finish, I didn't care.

Exhausted as I am, I'm very pleased. I trained just enough to get the job done. And we all got medals! Ooohh! So special that 30,000 other people have the same one. It's cool though. I will definitely remember the day. Great time, lots of fun. Preparation resulting in success. I like it.

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