Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Randoms

Randoms and it isn't even Wednesday. Guess when you're the author of the blog you can really take the power and run with it! Here goes-
  • As we ALL suspected, Judgement Day was a bust on Saturday. And the movement's whacko ringleader is supposedly "flabbergasted". Someone's got some 'splainin to do!
  • Bath Fitter, the award-winning (not really) company whose entire premise is based on covering up a ghetto bathtub/shower instead of replacing it, has a competitor. ReBath! So if you're too lazy to properly remodel your bathroom, you can pay someone to glue a pseudo-bath veneer right on top! I've only known one family who's used Bath Fitter, and getting in the shower was equivalent to jumping a hurdle.
  • Chase Utley back in the Phils line up. Holla
  • That commercial for those Oreo Fudge Cremes sold me, and I bought a package yesterday. I have to admit- original Oreos are waaay better. Stick with the originals Nabisco.
  • Speaking of food, picked up a pint of Ben & Jerry's Boston Cream Pie. I still like the donut better, but this pretty good. How could I resist a description like this?
    "Boston Cream Pie Ice Cream with Yellow Cake Pieces, Fudge Flakes, & Swirls of Pastry Cream" Oh yeah. This filling-colored font was completely intentional.

  • Roger won pretty easily today at Roland Garros. Keep it goin!

  • Ran a decent 5K on Saturday. I'm going to try and do 1 a month to keep me on track. I'm happy I'm to the point where I can just go out and run 3.1 with no problem, and without feeling tired or sore the rest of the day. That's how it should be. We'd be better off as a country if everyone could drop everything and run 3.1 on a moment's notice. Even if it takes them 45min. Too many lazy peeps in this world.

  • Next up on the Kindle is Andre Agassi's autobiography "Open". Should be good.

  • I'm feelin that class I did at the gym yesterday. I must have done about 100 squats and lunges. What was completely ridiculous was the "Spiderman push-ups" and the super planks. Never, ever assume you're in shape just because you can run for a couple hours. I never made this assumption, but if I did, yesterday would've had me eating an entire serving of humble pie. Super planks are so ridic!! You start in the standard plank position and then alternate between and plank and a push-up, all in one fluid movement, for a minute straight. I made it about 15 seconds and there was NO WAY I could have done any more. Just when my cardio is at its best, now it's upper body strength that's lacking. I think the yoga class tonight might be just what I need.

  • And finally, Oprah is ending this week! Done! 25yrs, and I'll no longer have anything worthy to watch at 4pm. I can't wait to see the final episode.

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