Friday, September 30, 2011

Sick Sailing Trip!

Sick as in, it was me who was sick for the last portion of it. The first half was pretty sick though, as the boat was going fast, and the wind and water made our outing today especially aggressive according to the guys sailing it. I'll write a more thorough recap later, but here's a video I took from the boat, pre-sickness. This is a good size boat, 54', so it's meant to handle some rough seas and is capable of sailing from one country to another, if one desired.

Not sure if you can tell by this video, but the boat was at definite angle, I didn't have my protractor on me, but it was not upright, part of which contributed to the thrill of it all, and also my close encounter with the toilet/bathroom floor for about 30min. Downing some Lucozade now and feeling much better, but puking your guts out does take a little out of you! Another story to add to my book of life.

I didn't feel so bad when I found out our boat had to call the coastguard on another smaller sailboat who was whipped right into the side of a cliff and pretty much stuck. I missed that little bit of drama because I was too busy locked in the bathroom. There go my dreams of racing sailboats.... :)
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