Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Super fast version of Wednesday randoms comin at ya this week. So fast I didn't even have time to capitalize or space the blog title. That's an exaggeration. You get the idea.
  • It's time for a vacation when you've been using your office key to open your house and house key to get in your office 3x in one week.
  • Speaking of vacation- It's BOOKED!! Yay!! My credit card has seen more action this past week and I don't care! 2 weeks and I'm outta here. It has been almost an entire year those Euros have been sitting in that cup on my counter. They will be spent soon enough! :)
  • Training in Philly tonight for Job2. New Capt Morgan program and.... Guinness has a new product... a lager!! Oooohhh boy, I can't wait to hear all about this. This Saturday is halfway to St Paddy's Day, where I will be serving up some car bombs courtesy of Guinness, Bushmills, and Bailey's at a local bar. Guinness season is upon us and I'm so ready to get back to work.
  • Thanks to the powers of social media, my company got wind of a launch party tomorrow at 5pm for one of our major competitor's new product.  I've been assigned a bar to conduct a little happy hour espionage and report on it. I lovelovelove this kind of stuff. This is when I get truly excited about work, doing things like this. New products, advertising campaigns, capturing competitor data... I'm really looking forward to it.
  • My adventures in dog sitting was a success this past weekend. Those 2 are the sweetest dogs ever. The only bad thing is my dog allergy has seemed to creep back into my life, after disappearing for 20yrs... ugh. So now it's back to being allergic to dogs and cats. Guess I'm sticking with birds for a while.
  • Finally took advantage of a LivingSocial deal. Not quite a Groupon, but me and nearly 1million other people bought the Whole Foods deal yesterday. There's one right down the street from me, so it was an easy choice. Can't wait to see this credit card bill next month  : O
  • I have about 20 things to do and 4 side jobs to work in the next 2 weeks before I leave. I'm not the biggest fan of pressure, but being pressed for time is where my organization and efficiency skills shine. Go me.
  • Looks like it's time for me to write Barack O another letter. I'm seeing things at school that have so many loopholes, there's no sense having a law in place. Not going into detail, but people are taking advantage of the system and the thought that karma will get them isn't cutting it anymore for me. I could just run for congress. Sure, then they can dig up all my Twitter posts, this blog, and anything else to discredit me. I hate politics, and liars, and anyone else who finds a way to blatantly cheat the system. #sickofit
  • When are they ever going to finish all the construction on 476?
  • This wknd it's going to be in the 60s. My fav running weather! A trip to VF is definitely in order. I love everything about fall. Sorry summer, so over you once I start smelling the pumpkin spice everywhere!  : )

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