Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday Randoms/See Yaaaa

  • Vacation day is here! Besides Christmas and my birthday, this is my 3rd most favorite day of the year, and it’s the best because depending on how many trips I take, the day comes around more than once. Stay tuned for lots of updates, pics, and stories of whatever adventures (or mishaps) I may encounter, hopefully more of the former.
  • NBC10 had a ‘town hall’ meeting with Mayor Nutter yesterday, taking questions from Facebook, Twitter, etc. I’m never shocked by the generic questions posed to any politic figure, but I’m always left wondering about the morons who ask the stupid questions. One was along the lines of “I moved across the river from Jersey, and Philly is so full of trash. Why isn’t this cleaned up?” You know what? I loved his answer. “Because [some of] the people of Philly are slobs!” The city provides trash pickup and fancy solar-powered compacting trash cans, and people continue to litter, continue to junk it up. He threw it straight back on us- and he’s right! He then asked: “Do we throw trash on the living room floor? Then stop throwing it on the streets of Philly” Lazy people of Philly- SYAD
  • Rumors of Chris Christie for a Presidential run? First off, if you can’t run a 5K without keeling over, you have no business being president. Yeah, Bill Clinton is a bad example with his yo-yo diets of fried chicken and salads and then he got all into the running thing for a while… but for one of the most stressful jobs in the world, you have to be mentally AND physically fit. Just sayin…
  •  I don’t foresee any distance running on this vacation, sooooo that run in 3 weeks is going to be awesome *sarcasm*
  • I’m going to miss my birds this week… but they are the background pic on my phone and iPod, so I’ll have a constant visual reminder. No morning tweets though…
  • I’m doing a little experiment and created a Dublin-specific Twitter list. I’m going to see if social media is beneficial in any way while I’m there by following some bars and tourism accounts. I’ll let you know if it was helpful or completely futile, cause I know you’re all dying of curiosity.
  • Gotta go! Hopefully I'll have a great pic to post on the blog background when I return. Unless everyone wants to look at the staged super cool Euro wall shot forever...

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