Monday, September 5, 2011

YouTube + Tennis: Some of my favorites

Thanks to YouTube, there's no excuse for ever sitting around bored as long as you have an internet connection. I try to limit my browsing in one sitting, but if I have some time to burn, oh yes, I will lose 10 minutes of my life watching people foolishly sled off a ramp they made on the roof of their house. (I'm not the only one; there are millions of others who've wasted time doing this too- just like me! Okay, I feel a little better.)

It's really those sidebar suggested videos that kill any intention of watching just a few funny things and being done with it. Of course, Google knows every move we make online and so does Zuckerberg and his entire Facebook army. These people know exactly what I search, what I like, and FILL the sidebar of YouTube with things I just can't resist watching! Such a setup.

It goes something like this:
There's a link in a news story I'm reading to a corresponding YouTube video. I click, watch, and all of a sudden I see a 'related' sidebar video about baby ducks crossing the street all in a row! Ahh! I'm a sucker for baby animals (especially ducks), and they're doing one of the cutest things: walking all lined up. I must click.
So I watch said duck video and then I see another 'related' video about some other animal and, long story short, in 20 minutes I've managed to watch ducks, dogs, tennis, Daniel Tosh, and some random (but completely worthwhile) 80s music video all by clicking 'related' links. True story readers. Getting sucked into the vortex of 80s hair band videos happens to the best of us. Oops.


Back to the subject of this post. No work today, looking forward to watching Roger's match later on, and I found some of my favorite tennis vids to post.

I love this interview and Andy Roddick's bone dry sarcasm. Yeah, it's a bit of an act, but he's a normal guy who just gets pissed by stupid questions from the media. I can't say I wouldn't answer some of them the same way. There's a hint of arrogance, but I think he just wants to play the game and avoid the media nonsense. And rep Lacoste like there's no tomorrow.

Watch this video and tell me you don't start laughing every time Roger does. Poor Rafa. His Spanglish has gotten better over the years, but that goofy look he sometimes gives, all while trying to sit down and film a commercial...I can understand why Roger had trouble keeping it together. It's great. Love it.

Amazing shot. I've tried this myself (unsuccessfully) on the courts and it's next to impossible. Then again, I'm not a professional tennis player... just an average blogger who loves the game and on occasion tries to serve a Roddick style ace on her local courts (read: this effort usually results in a 45mph double fault). Points for effort?

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