Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dinner is... whatever I want!

Ugh. We're really paying for that glimpse of summer we had on Monday, aren't we? And tomorrow, the one day this week it's supposed to be nice, I gotta work a registration night at one of the high schools until 8pm. Allow me to reach for a few pastel colored M&Ms to pop in my mouth and make me feel better... Annnnd as I sit on the couch writing this blog and reach for those M&Ms, I shouldn't need my fuzzy snowman blanket on me in the middle of April!

Today is one of those days I'm reallllly glad to be an adult. Why, you ask? Because I can come home and eat whatever I want for dinner. I don't do this too often, but today I had a crazy mix of snacks that don't nearly qualify as dinner and would never fly if I still lived at home. Some french toast, some M&Ms, some sea salt crostinis and goat cheese... I might top it off with some Cocoa Pebbles later tonight.

I wonder who else shares my sweet/salt craving?  You'd think they created choc covered pretzels for people like me, but I don't crave those at all, if ever. I'm talkin a little chocolate followed by some Parmesan Goldfish... I only need a little of each, but that sweet/salt thing is just what I crave certain days. And when I'm craving- watch out! I'll tear through the cabinets looking for the perfect combo.

The big presentation went really well today. We've been working on this since January, and it's so nice to be able to close the book on it and get it off my desk... so the next project can quickly jump in its place! Speaking of work, HR sent an email to everyone today saying we need to submit 1/2 of our allotted vacation time by May 30 (basically to make sure everyone isn't off the same week).  This puts the pressure back on the vacation decision. Maybe I should just forget it this year and take 3 day weekends on 15 different weeks. That might be fun... but I realllly like going away somewhere. I LOVE packing up my suitcase, grabbing my passport, my 45 lists and itineraries, and arriving at the airport. Best feeling ever, after your bags are checked and you're sitting in the airport lounge enjoying a drink, soooo excited to get wherever it is you're going. Until I decide if I going adventurous as a solo traveler, or if I can find someone to go with me and have an awesome time... I'll back burner this once again.

Oh yeah and that closet cleaning thing never got done last night.  At least I'm honest.

I have no idea how those font/background colors got screwed up above. Kinda not caring about fixing them now either  : )

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