Sunday, April 3, 2011

Workin Cookin Runnin Sleepin

Oh thank you Jesus my weekend of insanity is over- and I lived to tell!

Super duper tired yesterday. Equal parts dehydration and just too much running around. Just a little reminder than working 5 jobs in 36hrs is a difficult feat for any human, even me! A Gatorade was just what I needed to get my second wind and finish out last night. Fun times, great Guinness events and met and talked to a ton of people, who all had something interesting to say... and I'll leave it at that!

Today was nice enough to warrant an outside run. I took the past 5 days off from any kind of working out (gasp!) due to my super busy week, and sometimes that much of a break is all I need to get back into it fresh. Banged out 5.5mi at Valley Forge in just under 45min. I don't care about the time so much, but I need some point of reference.

My sister inspired me with her Ceviche she made last week, so I made some of my own today.
It looks pretty delicious and I can't wait to eat it tomorrow!  I used tilapia, although next time I want to use shrimp or calamari. I couldn't find any serrano peppers at the store, so I had to use a jalapeno. The key to this dish is fresh fish and fresh squeezed lime juice. I think back to when I was in Italy, and the vineyard where we stayed had about 4 lime trees/bushes filled with limes; really big and impressive limes. The ones we buy around here could be mistaken for key limes anymore. Funny thing about this too is the fact I really don't like onions, on anything. They're so crucial to the taste of this blend, there's no way I could leave them out. I guess with Mexican stuff I can handle the onions, but on hoagies or anything else- forget it!

I need this week to fly by for 2 reasons: I get a new phone on Friday! (still undecided on what I'm getting) and a 3-day weekend! I have nothing planned or any jobs booked, so I'm going to see what I feel like doing, and then enjoy a Monday off for the first time in a while.

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