Monday, March 7, 2011

iCan't... or can I?

First off let me just say- if you've never had Parmesan Goldfish crackers (green bag), you don't know what you're missing. So good I can literally eat a bag a day... but I don't. That doesn't happen with any other flavor; not pizza, cheddar, Xtreme pizza or cheddar, etc, etc. Only the parmesan! Like I really need goldfish on top of the PF Chang's feast I had for dinner.

But anyway

My BBerry is fading fast. Let's hope the trip to Verizon and the software update at 2am will hold me until April 8th when I get a new phone with one of my options being... the iPhone!  Something I swore I wouldn't get! I need a phone with serious email capability, and the Bberry was designed just for that. Yeah, the apps are fun and silly, but I can't tempt myself with more games and a bigger phone addiction. Times are tough in my smart phone world right now- I couldn't even do a Facebook check in at Changs tonight : (

So this means I have exactly 4 weeks to do my research and pick the best phone from Verizon's limited and crappy selection.

Heard a pretty awesome cover this morning. Rivers Cuomo of Weezer doing 'Tomorrow' from Annie.  Always loved his voice. I love musicals too, so this was a perfect combo. He sounds so effortless and natural. It's a simple but very recognizable voice. Trying to think of my favorite Weezer song. 'Island in the Sun' really shows off his voice, I think.

Jimmy Eat World has also been making many appearances on my iPod. 'My Best Theory' is quite worthy of a few repeats.

This one got the most plays today though

Time to browse the Kindle for my next read...

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