Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rainy Day

So it seems I was slackin a little this week. I did have 4 jobs between 7pm Thursday and 6pm Saturday sooo I'm not too mad. Happy to report I'm not nearly as tired as I thought I'd be. Usually after working job #1 for a full week and more than 2 other jobs on top of that, I'm feelin it by Saturday. I think the key is not to overthink it. Just get through each one instead of trying to figure out all 4 simultaneously.

Rainy Sunday = boo!  Not that I had anything planned, but anything outdoors is certainly out of the question. So looks like I'll head to good ol' LA Fit in the next hour. That's what I love about Sunday nights at the gym- no one's there!

Finished another book on the Kindle. Judging by my indecisiveness in choosing another book, I'll just keep reading the free classics on there until I can make up my mind. I haven't read them all, so now's as good a time as ever.  Maybe I'll look up Google one of those "Books you must read before you die" lists and go from there. This Kindle will be real handy on my next vacation... which is still TBD!!!! Ahhhh! No one to blame but myself... still can't decide where to go and who to go with, if anyone. For now, tentative plans are a weekend in NYC next month and a trip to LA sometime in May possibly. Can't wait to see what the flights will be with gas prices near $4/gal. I feel like pointing in the direction of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and saying "Ummm... it's your job... fix this!"

Time to keep with the plan and hit the "road to nowhere" (the treadmill). Let's hope my plan to run 10 miles in May without ever actually running 10 miles training for it doesn't backfire!  Adrenaline will carry me the last 3 or so, right?

And P.S.
By the very "scientific" tracking software associated with Blogger, this past week people reading this blog are from Singapore, Germany, Canada, and Thailand (???)  I still haven't opened the flood gates and notified my Facebook info page of this link (not sure if I ever will), but I hoped at least for some more local fans. Then again, I can't compete with the likes of Charlie Sheen, so in comparison, this blog rates alongside grass growing and paint drying.

...but I'm stickin with it!

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