Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Cleaning Part 328

Turning the clocks forward this morning brought me great joy- Spring is a couple weeks away and we're inching closer with each sunset to the longest day of the year. Yay!

Spring also means the yearly changing of my wardrobe between closets and.... the dreaded spring cleaning. I don't have a garage, attic, or basement to focus on during the "big clean", which is a blessing. Three extra rooms would give me liberty to collect three more rooms full of clutter and stuff I probably don't need.  I did some major cleaning this fall- clothes, papers, and just overall junk. If I hadn't used it or couldn't justify a reason for the space it was taking up- in the trash it went! I used when I moved in as a benchmark; I wanted not much more than I had when I moved in almost 7 years ago (yes, it's been that long!!). Sure, there are things I've collected since then, but living in a small space really makes you prioritize what stays and what goes on a daily basis. 

So I'll give this cleaning another go.  Probably on a weekend when I can open the windows and really do a thorough job. Sometimes the mood has to strike me to take on a task like this, and then I'm a nonstop machine for 8+ hours until every single thing is perfect. Thankfully, this mood doesn't appear save for once or twice a year. (But think how amazingly productive I'd be were it a constant occurance!) I'm all prepared with my natural cleaning products. Cleaning can be fun with scents like spearmint, eucalyptus, and lemon.

The goal is really to live as organized and clutter-free as possible. It clears your mind and creates an overall peaceful environment when all the "stuff" is cleared out.  It will also make moving that much easier when the day comes... hopefully sooner than later.

Totally off-topic here, but Bob's Burgers is on Fox in the background (waiting for my weekly Family Guy fix) and this show is just plain...odd.  I won't turn it off though. It's quirky humor and all the characters seem to be lacking chins, but the humor is desert dry, and that is what keeps me watching. They can't touch Family Guy, not even close... but the jury is still out on this one.

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