Thursday, August 11, 2011


Notice I did put 'friends' before 'food'.

I must have lived a past life in Italy, because I have such a penchant for long conversations over food and drink with great friends. I'm usually always eating on the run or making something fast (I don't even own a kitchen table at the moment), so while I enjoy some quality food, whether I'm the chef or someone else is, I seldom take the time to really sit and enjoy it. Probably a good thing too. Constant carb loading would be detrimental to my workouts and my waistline.

As busy as everyone is, I so appreciate the nights when you get together with friends and have a really great couple of hours catching up, joking, and adding that dash of insight into each other's lives. I consider myself fairly open minded and appreciative of others' points of view. It never ceases to amaze me though, when in conversation with some good friends, I'm always introduced to a different way of thinking, or seeing something from a completely different angle. I thrive around these types of people.

As many know, I've been a fan of Oprah all my life. My 4pm hour will have an obvious void this fall now that her show has ended (sad face). She has done amazing things for herself, women, and the world. Her story is beyond inspirational. One of my favorite life lessons comes from her. If you think about it, it's such a powerful statement:

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher"

Not trying to get all crazy with the quotes, but think about who you spend time with. You know the types of people who teach you something, or have a vested interest in an area you know nothing about. It fascinates you, and leaves you wanting to learn more. Let's be realistic; not everyone can be like this. There's going to be the average neighbor/friend/family member who has nothing spectacular to say, but is an all around good person. You need them too. A majority of those you count as your inner circle though should inspire you to be someone better. That's the truth, readers.

Now on to the food.
I'll end this post by saying I had some chocolate hazelnut gelato tonight and

Now go find yourself someone who inspires you!

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