Monday, August 8, 2011

Tales From The Road...

I just got off the phone with a friend who spent a long weekend in Vegas and hit the Grand Canyon while out there. If you've never been to Vegas, I command you to drop everything you're doing and book a trip for next weekend. Call out of work. Rearrange you plans. You must visit this city at least once in your life, ideally while you still have it in you to stay up all night.

The Grand Canyon is another worthwhile spot on the map to hit... well, 4 hours out of the way worthwhile, but since you're already out there...might as well. I'm so guilty of that 'hit every place in one trip' mentality. "Oh, I'm in Sydney, I should hop a plane to New Zealand for 2 days" (didn't happen), or "Wow, I'm in Hilton Head, I might as well head to Savannah for some dirty south country cooking in 100* weather (did happen). Why not? I go places to satisfy my curiosity and see/do something I haven't seen/done before. I've done the 'lay by the pool/beach' vacations, and while relaxing and peaceful, it's not fulfilling. Not for me at least.

So on the way to AZ from Vegas they hit up the trusty Yelp app to find a place to stay. Seems a $45/night motel in Kanab Utah came highly recommended (I won't name names, you can figure it out). So for $45/night... you don't get a flat screen TV (oh the horror)... or a microwave with enough power to pop a bag of popcorn (the nerve!) The best part was her telling how the motel manager explained how the 'air conditioning' worked. No fancy thermostat folks, this was a vent in the ceiling blasting ice cold air with a piece of a cardboard box duct-taped over it, acting as a makeshift vent (4.5 out of 5 stars on Yelp holla) When the airport bar tab for your layover is more than a motel room for the know something's wrong. There are pics to back up this story, so I'll try to post them.

Enough about the dumpy places. The best hotel I've ever stayed in was The Taj in Boston in one of their suites.
Yes, I was impressed 
I stayed there for a weekend for a wedding and I could certainly get used to that level of luxury had I a money tree in my backyard. Mints on my pillow, sheets turned down each night, robes, slippers, bottles of a million things in the bathroom. Uberfancy, yes.

But remember... as the saying goes... and this always applies while traveling:

"Bad decisions make the best stories"

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