Wednesday, August 3, 2011


"Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle."

(Spoken slowly and emphatically)
"Wednesday Randoms"
(Generic audience applause and fakes smiles follow)

  • I'm starting right off with food. One of my favorite to-diiiie-for combinations: hazelnut and chocolate. It's heavenly. Dark chocolate. Milk Chocolate. I don't even care- just give it to me! Some day I'm going to grab my jar of Nutella and some of my Baileys (original, mint, or caramel? I got all 3) and make the craziest drink/milkshake/I don't even know what that anyone has ever tasted.
  • Unless you have an extremely urgent phone call that needs to be made/taken, lose the Bluetooth when you're out shopping. You look like a dumbass
  • I'm holding a clinic: "How to Merge at 40mph on a Major Highway at Rush Hour". Why?  Because I'm an expert at this and the other 10 cars in front of and behind me every morning....aren't.
  • How about that blogging teacher controversy in Bucks Co? She'll be going back to work soon enough.
    See story here
    This is of particular interest to me both as a blogger and an employee of the same industry. Nowhere did it say she specified any student by name. From a common sense, professional standpoint should she have refrained? Yes. Easy answer. But... freedom of speech y'all! The same thing that allows us to verbally bash our president, celebrities, and everyone else allows this poor example of an educator to sound off about her bratty students. Get over it. She'll receive the same bashing tenfold for her lack of discretion from the community, media, etc.
  • Watching Nightly News as I write this and the segment just on said 21 million households are now receiving federal assistance (food stamps). 36% of the state of Alabama. To the average person this all becomes too much to try and figure out. I won't comment without some thorough research, but how much of this is attributed to poor personal management compounding year after year, or a nasty domino effect of something beyond their control, such as natural disasters (hurricanes/tornadoes/floods)? If you know me, you know personal accountability is something I both practice and preach (not literally preach, but suggestively imply on occasion). YOU are the manager of your life. Some folks really need to fire themselves, regroup, and give it another go.
  • Brian Williams and his ad libbing on Nightly is priceless! He strikes the perfect balance of humor, candor, and utter serious when needed and hits it every time. Guess you'd have to be watching it too to appreciate my comment.
  • Still need to listen to a few CDs I picked up at Amoeba in Hollywood on vaca. All 3 of us went in and found 3 random, unfamiliar bands and tried them out. Maybe a music review might be coming up on the blog... (ooooh get excited) Rolling Stone magazine this is not, so maybe I'll just report back whether they are worth a listen or not.
  • This is a great website. I'd love to contribute a couple ideas. I'll... get right on that.

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