Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Spot

After a 5am wake up and a mentally exhausting day, I needed a run. Bad. With the sun finally shining after two days of rain, there was no way I was treadmilling it at LA Fit. Give me the outdoors!

I suddenly thought of a park less than 2 miles from me. Last year when I drove by it was still being created or renovated or something, but I figured it had to be finished by now. When I drove up I was pretty excited to see it was all ready to go, and I had the place alllll to myself!

Well, almost.

There were 3 people riding horses. (Odd? A little. I did grow up in Worcester though, so seeing this type of thing is nothing new) However, I really had to watch my step running around all those paths  : )

Did 5K and ran back around after I was finished to take the pics (Thank you Android for some great looking pics). This place is really well hidden and off the road, and a little bit scary to run around by yourself, even if it is 5:30 and the sun is shining bright. Nothing makes you run faster than the thought of someone popping out of the woods, that's for sure. The surroundings were lovely, and as I ran through the open fields and wooded areas the fragrance of honeysuckle would hit me in waves (deep inhale!) There was even a butterfly garden they planted in the back of the trail, complete with stone pavers in the shape of a huge butterfly. It's one of many township parks, and very well maintained. Glad to see my tax dollars at work.
Not many butterflies hanging out there today

Scenery- not too bad

Tempting to stop running... and just stand and stare. Beautiful!

Always have to check out the stream
Very excited to discover a place which has been sitting around the corner for the past year. I get bored of the same surroundings after a while. My favorite time of year to run outside is quickly approaching, and this park should be great for some September/Fall running. I need to get it all in before winter sneaks up and forces us to run the road to nowhere (the dreaded treadmill) for 4 months.

Wow, tomorrow's Wednesday already. The masses are anticipating a brand new, fabulous edition of randoms! (thunderous cheers) Oh, I know you are. I'll make sure I'm well rested so I can bring it.

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